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Infront Professional Terminal

Real-time global market data, news, analytics and electronic trading in one intuitive platform


Release Notes

Here, you can find the Release Notes for the individual Service Packs and Fix Packs of the Infront Professional Terminal.

Getting started

Get an overview of the Infront Professional Terminal user interface and learn about the various possibilities that the terminal offers.


Learn about the many setting options in the Infront Professional Terminal.


Learn how to use the trading functionality in this chapter.

Market data

Find detailed descriptions of the market data windows available in Infront Professional Terminal.


Learn all about the integration of the Infront Professional Terminal and Microsoft Excel.


Learn how to use Infront’s Destop API for R and Python to perform portfolio analyses, simulate extreme events, create visualizations and indicators.


Find out more about the Infront Professional Terminal Treasury module.

Corporate Debt module

Find out more about the Infront Professional Terminal Corporate Debt module.


Learn about the support for FX trading of spots and forwards.

Web trader

Discover, analyze and trade directly in your browser with the Infront Web Trader.

Mobile app

Find out more about the mobile apps for iPhone, iPad and Android Infront provides.

FAQ and support

Access the Knowledge Base to get answers on frequently asked questions (FAQ) or just to create a new support ticket for the Infront Professional Terminal.


Here, you can find documents of older versions of Infront Professional Terminal.

Video tutorials

Learn how to use the Infront Professional Terminal with our video tutorials.


Generate the current user manuals by clicking the corresponding buttons.

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