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Web trader

Discover, analyze and trade directly in your browser with the Infront Web Trader.

Before you start

Infront Web Trader is compatible with both Windows and Mac (OSX).

For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome or New Microsoft Edge.

Make sure that your bandwidth connection is sufficient.


Anti-virus software can interfere with the Web Trader data traffic. For more information, visit our FAQ page. To ensure the best performance, you should allow all traffic to the site domain.

To do this open your anti-virus program, go to advanced settings and URL Address Management.

Then add an exclusion URL to the Infront domain:



Site cookies can interfere with Web Trader performance.

They can be cleared manually in the browser settings under "Privacy, Search and Services" (optionally enable the "clear browsing data on close" setting for "cookies and other site data").

Now you are ready to use Infront Web Trader

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.